I was recently approached by someone claiming to be from Facebook HQ to let me know I had just won $600Million Dollars! Right up front, I knew this was a scam and wanted to make sure and post my conversation with them, so that people become aware of this FRAUD!
First off, they asked to be friended and had a connection with my brother-in-law so I accepted their friend request. Mistake number 1 (don’t friend someone you don’t know personally).
Facebook Chat Conversation Start:
Berggren Margareta: 10:08am Hello how are you and your family ??
Good thank you and you?
Am berggren from the Facebook organization
Awesome welcome
Mistake number 2 (people from Facebook don’t contact you this way, they call or email)
Mistake number 3 (punctuation and spelling is not a top priority from these criminals, so it’s a dead give-away)
Am here to pass you some good news about your Facebook account
Yes? Great
Before i proceed i will like to know if you have heard or been informed about the ongoing Facebook Promo going on ? Have any of our out staff informed you about your winning prize ?
Um no
Am delighted to inform you that you have won the sum of $600,000,00USD
There’s a zero missing
Is that 60 million or 600 million?
Six hundred
Wow cool
Donate it to Africa for me. Feed the children.
Good tax breaks for Facebook and everyone wins
Would you like to speak with the Facebook CEO
I’ll send this wonderful news to the good people at the FBI, they will be very pleased with this.
Have Mark Zuckerberg call my cell phone
Now a few minutes passed, I thought they were going to go away, but they were not deterred and decided to try a tactic that I didn’t expect, they’ve upped their game. I got a text on my phone!
(731) 903-7326 (Scammer’s phone number) 10:33am Hello donovan how are you doing its from the FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION
Hmmm. How did the FBI know I was talking with Facebook HQ?
Good. Do you want to text me from the Phoenix office at 21711 N. 7th st. Phoenix, as I know a few people from that office…623-466-1999
You have been messaged by the FBI
Hmmm. How did Facebook HQ know I was talking with the FBI?
Not from Mark…dang…
We don’t call we only text
These two message/texts are going on simultaneously on my Facebook Chat and my cellphone at the same time. She’s replying to my statement, “Have Mark Zuckerberg call my cellphone.”
its from washington DC
I looked up the Area Code on Google.
Then why is the area code from Tennessee? Don’t they have phones in DC?
I went back to the Facebook Message and read her last message…
Then how would I speak with Mark? I would love to pick his brain, I loved his movie…
She sent me an account link on Facebook, it had Mark Zuckerberg’s face on a brand new Facebook account. They are trying VERY VERY hard to convince me.
click this link and message him
About this time I get another text.
I thought about this. How do they know I’m getting instructions from Facebook HQ? She pushed me to validate them this way.
Have you done that ?
Mistake number 4, always do your own due diligence. Don’t ever click on their links. Look them up on your own. Think for yourself.
Mark…Mark, why are you not using your original account you set up when you started this FB thing, why are you using a brand new account from 2016? have you gone broke giving people all your money?
He just messaged me he is no more on that page message this new one
Still trying to convince me. I decide to text the fake FBI one last time.
The FBI sure has bad English…I’m not sure what this sentence is supposed to be saying…heed what instructions? Don’t worry I have your brothers in the Phoenix office on my landline, they said it’s ok, they are going to start tracing all of these accounts asap…
Then I messaged her one last time within the same minute.
Ahhh, well, I guess he could do that, but you have to ask yourself why when the old one was working SO well…
Pretty much as soon as they got my text about the real FBI tracing them, all of their conversations went dead and her account online was INSTANTLY deleted.
Chat Conversation End
Seen 10:48am
As you can see all this happened between a 40 minute period. I’m posting all this here so that you can see for yourself and know about this horrible SCAM. Don’t be fooled. Nobody will ever just give you money! These kinds of people do this because it works 10-20% of the time and that’s all they need to make big bucks.
Their next step, if I hadn’t thrown up so many roadblocks would have been to ask me for personal information or for me to send them money for a bank transfer or something like that. Then they grab your money or your identity or whatever they can get their hands on.
Now you are informed and warned.
Don’t be one of THEIR success stories.